Dawn's Digression.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Part 1 of Annoying Quiz Thing
- Nervous Habits: I can’t figure out the word for this…I shake my leg.
- Do you bite your nails?: not unless I broke a nail and can’t find a file
- Are you double jointed?: no
- Can you roll your tongue?: nope
- Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: yes
- Can you blow smoke rings?: no
- Can you blow spit bubbles?: I can’t remember. I think I can
- Can you flare your nostrils?: yes
- Can you cross your eyes?: like a pro!
- Tattoos: none Piercings and where?: ears
- Do you make your bed daily?: Yes
- Which shoe goes on first?: Left, I think.
- Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? I’m sure of it
- On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: a few bucks. I try not to carry cash
- What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: none
- Would you rather be on time and look OK or 10 minutes late and look great?: Ugh. Depends on the event.
- Favorite Piece of Clothing: My really old pair of jeans
- Pajamas: anything fluffy
- Type of music: Too hard. I’ll just say IG by default
- Makeup you generally wear: These days? Nothing.
- Hair drying method: rolling down the car window and driving fast
- Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: yes
- Do you paint your nails?: toe nails usually but not finger nails that often
- Wearing: sweats and my ex’s ex’s T-shirt
- Listening to: cars driving by
- Thinking of: the dog snoring at my feet
- Taste in your mouth: raspberry blackberry water
- How are you? Fine. I think my lips are chapped.
- Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut?: twirl it
- Have you ever eaten Spam?: NO
- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: No favorite, really. I like ice cream with caramel in it.
- How many cereals in your cabinet?: just Rice Krispies
- What’s your favorite beverage?: right now it is Diet Coke, but this changes
- What’s your favorite restaurant?: Gosh. Um. Something Mexican?
- What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: my hands
- Do you cook?: as little as possible
- Do you swear?: More than I should
- Do you ever spit?: Not unless completely necessary
- WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITEActor/Actress: ?? Meryl Streep, Nicholas Cage, John Travolta
- Animal: Meerkats, sea otters
- Food: M&Ms Blizzard
- Month: October
- Day: Not sure anymore. It used to be Thursday
- Cartoon: Looney Tunes
- Anime series: Um, NO!
- Flower: Alstromeria, Gerbera Daisies
- Shoe Brand: Sketchers
- Band(s)/Singer(s): Dur. Amy and Emily, IG
- Subject in school: Psychology
- Color: fall colors rock!
- Sport: to play: Not Applicable To watch: ice skating
- TV show: At the moment Nip/Tuck
- Holiday: Thanksgiving
- Book: Catcher in the Rye, The Bell Jar, Sloppy Firsts
- Thing To Do In The Spring: Not sure
- Thing To Do In The Summer: Stay inside as much as possible…too hot!
- Thing To Do In The Fall: Open all the windows and enjoy the crisp air
- Thing To Do In The Winter: Sit in front of the fireplace with a bottle of wine
- Perfume or Cologne: Safari for Men. The guy that sits next to me in class on Tuesdays smells really good.
- Game: Scrabble.
- Quote: “It is what it is” and “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
- Scent: camp fire, patchouli, just about all things fall and pumpkinish, spicy, or apple.
- Movie: Stella, Beaches, Mr. Holland’s Opus, Wayne’s World
- Season: Fall
- Author: Nicholas Sparks
- Relative: Unfair!
- Shampoo: Fashionista by Catwalk
- Commercial: I don’t watch commercials since I have a DVR
- Magazine: US Weekly and Entertainment Weekly
- Non-alcoholic drink: Diet Coke
- thing to do on the weekend: Sleep and hang out with friends
- Boys name: Noah, Jacob, Nathaniel….there are more, but my mind just went blank
- Girls name: Emily, Megan, Morgan
- Hangout: Tonya’s
- Feeling: Those moments when I feel like everything is going right and I’m the luckiest person in the world
- Store: Kohl’s, Target
- Dog breed: I’ve always wanted a Golden Retriever. When I grow up, I’m getting one. ;)
- cat breed: Would love to have another Siamese, but right now I have 3 wonderful ‘mutts’
- Bird breed: I want a finch!
- Fish breed: Well. Um. The goldfish are easy to care for.
- day of the year: I don’t have one.
Dawn, 8:26 AM