Dawn's Digression.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Part 2, Annoying Survey Thing
- The CD Player: Melissa Ferrick, IG (3). I actually don’t know what else I have in there.
- Person you talk most on the phone with: Michele
- Ever taken a cab?: Yes
- Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: No
- What color is your bedroom?: master: Bee Pollen. Guest: Stone or something
- Do you use an alarm clock?: nope
- Name one thing you are obsessed with: chapstick
- Have you ever skinny-dipped with the opposite sex?: Um, NO!
- Ever sunbathed nude?: What? Are you kidding me? There are so many things wrong with that question…
- Window seat or aisle?: window.
- What’s your sleeping position?: Stomach
- What kind of bed do you like?: soft with feather comforter
- Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: absolutely
- Do you snore?: everyone snores occasionally
- Do you sleepwalk?: nope
- Do you talk in your sleep?: not too much. I did wake up screaming the other night. I dreamed I had a big bug on me that wouldn’t get off. hehe
- Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: Just real ones
- How about with the light on?: No way. I like it really dark.
- Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: Unh-unh
- Club or houseparty: houseparty
- Tea or coffee: tea
- Achiever or slacker: I slacking achiever? I haven’t achieved a whole hell of a lot, but I just bring myself to say slacker. ;)
- Beer or cider: cider
- Drinks or shots: drinks
- Single or taken: Taken?
- Pen or pencil: pencil
- Gloves or mittens: gloves
- Pop or soda: Cola
- Food or candy: food
- Cassettes or cd: cd
- Matches or a lighter: lighter
- Coke or Pepsi?: Coke
- Oranges or apples?: apples
- One pillow or two?: three
- Deaf or blind?: I dunno. I really enjoy reading but I also enjoy music. Then again, I'm a big fan of silence. How about neither? I pick neither.
- Pools or hot tubs?: pools. I can’t stay in a hot tub very long.
- Blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes all the way!
- Tall or short?: Taller than me is good.
- TV or radio?: tv
- Beach or pool?: Pool, I guess.
- Tic-Tacs or Certs?: Altoids
- Snooze button or jump out of bed?: Not necessary
- Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset
- Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: hamburger
- Morning or night?: night
- Sports or news?: news
- Bikini or one-piece?: one piece
- Indoors or outdoors?: indoors unless somewhere pretty.
- Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Christmas Eve
- Cake or ice cream?: BOTH!!!
- Bert or Ernie?: Ernie. Bert is mean
- Spicy or Mild?: Spicy
- I am: Responsible
- I crave: Starbucks
- I regret: a lot, but if I took away those things, would I be who I am?
- I cry: sometimes
- I care: my family, friends, animals, environment, etc
- I feel alone: not as often as I used to
- I listen: to my friends/family when they need/want me to
- I hide: when I want to be left alone
- I know: my mommy loves me
- I need to know: oh my gosh…everything!
- I wonder: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
- I give: a damn
- I feel: hungry
- last cigarette: Clove at RoundUp the beginning of the month
- last kiss: I have no recollection
- last good kiss: awhile
- last good cry: a couple of weeks
- last library book checked out: something about Eqyptian history a couple of weeks ago
- last movie seen: Ambulance Girl
- last book read: That depends. I’m not sure which one I finished last, but right now I’m reading Girls in Pants #3.
- last food consumed: Caramel rice cakes
- last phone call: work-related
- last tv show watched: Today show
- last cd played: IG
- last soda drank: Diet Coke
- last word spoken: Thanks! Bye!
- last amused: Today.
- last time wanting to die: Miraculously, it has been a couple of months
- last time hugged: I don’t know
- last shirt worn: Old Navy
- last time dancing: Like 2 weeks ago?
Dawn, 8:25 AM