Dawn's Digression.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

You Still There?

I keep thinking of things to post. Stupid things. Like that I can't find the second book in the "Girls in Pants" series. Or that sometimes that little sticker on the pill bottle that says not to drink while on the medication isn't just a suggestion. I just never get around to it. Not that any of my thoughts are really all that interesting. Oh well.

I've been to yet another psychiatrist that has diagnosed me as bipolar. I guess I just have to embrace it. Whatever. I got a little ...sad, maybe...yesterday morning when I took 6 pills with my breakfast. This number will decrease when I get my new prescription, but it still made me sad. Six pills because I can't control my emotions. Nice.

I've been to two baby showers this month. Boy howdy, if I didn't feel like slitting my wrists before the second one, I sure did after the second. I am really happy for my knocked up friends, though. They look happy, and that makes me happy. :)

I swear to God I saw Barney at Wal-Mart the other day. It had to be him.

My cats ran away a couple of weeks ago. Both my babies, Peanut and Boobies. I was in the fetal position for a few hours. Then they came home. We never did figure out how they got out of the house. I was WAY upset, though, because the lawn people had mowed that day (must have scared the bejeezus out of my babies) and we had a thunderstorm. Boobies is afraid of thunderstorms. He's so cute. He hides under the bed. :)

Six Feet Under is on again, and this makes me happy. We watch Queer as Folk, too, but it's lame these days. Right now I'm on a Dawson's Creek rampage. We watched 4 episodes from the 1st season last night. Hopefully Netflix will get us another DVD by the weekend. We want to watch all of the seasons. TV sucks right now. There is never anything on. We like drama DVDs better than comedy because the dramas pull you in and make you want to watch more.

Rented a good movie. The Unsaid. I haven't seen many movies that I liked lately, so it really stood out.

I don't think I've read anything that was just great. I did read The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. It was okay, but nothing to really get excited about. I want to read the second and third ones just because it is mindless fluff.

I went to Curves for the first time in a month on Monday. I gained back some of that weight. It doesn't help that the new medicine has done something to my metabolism and I'm hungry 24/7. My stomach actually hurts because I'm hungry. Sucks.

Let's see...what else? Um, Ruby is engaged. Rachel and Suzy have been hanging out with me and have been really cool about me calling them several times a week and getting in their space. Suzy laid wood floor in their house, and what I've seen has looked really good.

Darcee is getting old and doesn't move around too much anymore. Ginny is hell on wheels, of course.

The Indigo Girls aren't coming anywhere near here anytime soon, so I'm sad about that. I really need an Indigo Revival. I may have to look into a road trip. They usually 'reboot' my mindset. I need that something fierce.

I feel like a beach ball today. I've had some swelling issues with the new meds. It's better today, but these pants are tighter than they were when I bought them 2 weeks ago. I hate when that happens. I just have to get back on the wagon and all will be well. It's just so hard to be on the wagon when you're really just concentrating on making it through the day. But this too shall pass, I know. Always does.

I am enjoying not being in school and do not want to go back in fall. But I will. Just not with a vengeance. I think I'm just going to keep the two easy classes. That's the most I can do for myself right now, and I'll just have to be okay with that.

Goodness. I just finished my lunch, and I'm hungry again. *sigh* I want a M&Ms blizzard. *sigh*
Dawn, 12:18 PM


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