Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Friggin' Nutbar

The woman I live with is a nutbar.  She’s making me crazy.  Almost every day she asks me to stay.  Last night she was upset because I said I didn’t want to date her.  Then she was upset because I said I’m not even sure I want to be friends.  Argh!  I’ve asked her repeatedly to please leave me alone and told her there is nothing she can say that will keep me here.  She just can’t get a clue.  I just want her to leave me alone so I can enjoy moving out to be with the folks.  


The offer is finally in on the house.  We’re asking for a close date of November 18.  If we were to make that date it would be 11 days from now.  

She did get a little nasty last night.  Talked about how this is “her house”.  (Thank God.)  She also let me know that I’m not getting Ginny or Ally.  I’m not surprised.  I swear she was using them as weapons, though.  Like saying I can’t keep Ginny is going to deter me from leaving.  I think not.  I love this little dog more than apples and toast, but she is rightfully hers.  Dammit.  Dammit.  I prefer not to think about it.  

Eleven Days.  Elevendayselevendayselevendayselevendayselevendays
Dawn, 8:41 AM


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