Dawn's Digression.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Happy Anniversary to Me!
Two anniversaries are today:
1) My service date with this company. I've been here officially for four years now. I was temp before then, so I've been here four and a half years, but only four on their payroll.
2) Today is the 15th anniversary of the day Ruby asked me to be her best friend. It's really quite an embarrassing story.
For her.
Wanna hear?
January 30, 1989 in the junior high cafeteria. We're sitting at our usual spot at the 'nerd table'. I had gotten kicked off of the 'cool' table because I was seen dressing with the wrong girls at PE. So stupid. Ruby and I had met the month before when I asked her to keep an eye on my boyfriend (he was her best friend) during the Christmas holidays. Ruby and I became fast friends. So, on that day in 1989, Ruby carried her little walkman to school and gave it to a fellow nerd to record her asking me to be her best friend. Ruby got down on one knee and asked me if I would "Give her the honor and pleasure of being her. best. friend." How gay is that? In all terms of the word. At any rate, I really just wanted her to get the hell up off the cafeteria floor. I knew it looked weird. Hell, it looked weird to me. So of course I agreed. On the tape (which I still have) you can hear my very good friend Madison saying, "Dawn is saying to herself, 'Please God, don't let her be gay!'" Heh. And that is how we have an actual date marking our friendship. Corny as it was and is, I'm glad we have a date because now each year we take a few moments on this day to appreciate each other and the friendship we've had all these years and will always have. Ruby and I aren't close like we used to be, but I still know I can call her at anytime and she will be there. (ie Beaches) I would trust Ruby with my life and to always have my best interests at heart.

Ruby at Ritz when we worked there together. What a great time. Donnie, LeeAnn, Mikey, Ruby, and I all worked there at the same time.
This is Ruby and I in 1993. We were together at the time. Dude. What's with the bolo and glasses? I don't want to talk about it.

Holy smokes. Is that a good look for us, or what? 1992 in English class. Why would anyone think we're gay?
If you are bored today, and would like to see some photos that are a couple of years old, check out this link.
1) My service date with this company. I've been here officially for four years now. I was temp before then, so I've been here four and a half years, but only four on their payroll.
2) Today is the 15th anniversary of the day Ruby asked me to be her best friend. It's really quite an embarrassing story.
For her.
Wanna hear?
January 30, 1989 in the junior high cafeteria. We're sitting at our usual spot at the 'nerd table'. I had gotten kicked off of the 'cool' table because I was seen dressing with the wrong girls at PE. So stupid. Ruby and I had met the month before when I asked her to keep an eye on my boyfriend (he was her best friend) during the Christmas holidays. Ruby and I became fast friends. So, on that day in 1989, Ruby carried her little walkman to school and gave it to a fellow nerd to record her asking me to be her best friend. Ruby got down on one knee and asked me if I would "Give her the honor and pleasure of being her. best. friend." How gay is that? In all terms of the word. At any rate, I really just wanted her to get the hell up off the cafeteria floor. I knew it looked weird. Hell, it looked weird to me. So of course I agreed. On the tape (which I still have) you can hear my very good friend Madison saying, "Dawn is saying to herself, 'Please God, don't let her be gay!'" Heh. And that is how we have an actual date marking our friendship. Corny as it was and is, I'm glad we have a date because now each year we take a few moments on this day to appreciate each other and the friendship we've had all these years and will always have. Ruby and I aren't close like we used to be, but I still know I can call her at anytime and she will be there. (ie Beaches) I would trust Ruby with my life and to always have my best interests at heart.

Ruby at Ritz when we worked there together. What a great time. Donnie, LeeAnn, Mikey, Ruby, and I all worked there at the same time.

This is Ruby and I in 1993. We were together at the time. Dude. What's with the bolo and glasses? I don't want to talk about it.

Holy smokes. Is that a good look for us, or what? 1992 in English class. Why would anyone think we're gay?
If you are bored today, and would like to see some photos that are a couple of years old, check out this link.
Dawn, 8:15 AM