Dawn's Digression.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Way Too Early

I am up WAY early for me.  Michele is kind enough to make sure she wakes me up every single morning before she leaves for work so she can kiss the dog.  Once she has done that, there is really no sleeping for me.  

I spent a good half hour/45 minutes crying about the house yesterday and being dramatic about it all.  Then I started looking for apartments.  As I told my mom, I can sit around and cry all day, but that doesn’t get me moved.  

The thought of living in an apartment makes me cringe, but the thought of living here makes me cringe more.  

So, I went out last night and was expecting Mich’s wrath when I got home.  She was on the cell phone laughing and chatting with someone.  All I could think was, “Please GOD let that be Bec.”   Bec:Michele :: Rachel:Dawn   Thank GOD.  It felt so good to hear her talking and laughing with someone.  I haven’t heard that in a long time.  Pray/meditate/send good energy to Michele.  She needs to find some peace and happiness.  It has been awhile for her.
Dawn, 7:52 AM


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