Dawn's Digression.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Colorado, Rocky Mountain High...I've seen it raining fire in the sky....

Michele went to a job fair for a job in Denver yesterday. Unfortunately, the contracts people weren't there. Stupid. Especially since they advertised that they were looking for Contract Administrators. Whoever she spoke to said they would call her for a phone interview, but I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm excited because we are bringing in On The Border for lunch here at work. Last year my workplace forgot, and I was a little injured. Plans for my birthday party are shaping up, and I'm excited because some of my 'old' friends are coming. Yay!

We finished Michele's bathroom! More or less, anyway. Need some border around the top (no biggie), need a fake plant (Garden Ridge), need some pictures. All done! Next: the kitchen hutch. After that: Ruby's room. (Yay, Ruby!) After that: Garage sale. (Yay, throw shit away!) We have funny sized windows, and blinds don't come in the right size. *sigh*

School sucks. Truly. Dr. H-J's class isn't all I dreamed. Not too horrible, I just hate those 'talkers' (there are 3). Behavioral Neuroscience is just dull. The topic, anyway.
Dawn, 12:10 PM


Hi Dawn! So good to see you posting again. :) It's been a long summer. I hope things work out well concerning the house, etc. Oh, and happy post-dated birthday!

~Dawn B.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:54 PM  

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